Baby Massage
Thursdays 12.30-1.30pm
Learn how to massage your baby from top to toe over a 5 week course £40 includes organic oil, online video to follow at home. Plus we paint babies footprints on a certificate in the final class.
Touch is the most developed sense at birth and learning to massage your baby will sooth you both and encourage their development.
This relaxing 5 week course provides a special time of communication with your baby that nurtures love, trust and understanding. It will help support your babies maturing tummy, easing such troubles as; constipation, colic and reflux, induce deep and peaceful sleep and includes gentle post-natal yoga sequences for Mums. It’s suitable from birth.
Partners and family members welcome too!
Please bring a towel, blanket, extra nappies and mat changer
Email: yogatreevictoria@gmail.com to book on!