Lucy's Birth Story
“I wanted to share our birth story with you as I feel you played such a massive role! My waters broke Monday morning so I was given 24 hours before being induced. Nothing happened in these 24 hours which I was frustrated about but stayed calm and understood whatever was going to happen was for the right reasons and that I could remain in control.
I was induced around 11am Tuesday. We seemed to be waiting forever for anything to start, again I just reminded myself to stay calm and focus on baby and my body. Contractions started just after 6pm. At this point I just lay on my side silently for around 45 mins. I didn’t want to speak, I just focused on being present and focusing on my contractions. After this time I said to Joe that everything was kicking in and he said he knew but I was so calm that he didn’t want to disturb me. From this point onwards we told the midwives and I was using the golden thread breath and visualisations to allow my contractions to pass smoothly. Even when they were very intense, I was stayed completely silent, closed my eyes and breathed. I used positive mantras mainly simply ‘you can do this’ and ‘my body is made to birth this baby’.
My contractions ramped up very very quickly. I went to the induction suite and onto the MLU. I stayed silent, kept breathing. Managed to get into the pool and baby arrived within 50 minutes. I let myself go for the final two pushes and Millie arrived happily in the pool. I used gas and air for around 15 minutes whilst breathing through the final contractions. But it was the breathing techniques, positive mantras and silence which helped me through.
It was genuinely such an amazing and calm experience, thank you so much! I needed no intervention and no stitches etc. Even though Millie was 8lbs 1, much bigger than her sister. I think it’s because I knew how to move my body for her and flowed with my instincts as I was calm enough to do this. So thank you! Joe and the midwives were all amazed! And Millie is happy and content at home!”