Laura's Birth Story
Laura's Birth Story “We were induced at 38 weeks and the contractions started about an hour later. The breathing techniques were amazing. The breathing plus a TENS got me through the first 18 hours, when we got into established labour and went to use the pool room with the help of some entonox. The girls at Leighton hospital were fantastic and they kept the lighting and the atmosphere really relaxed, even on the consultant led unit. Everyone that came to our room said how calm and controlled I was and that is definitely in no small part down to those breathing techniques! Golden threads all the way! We progressed really well, but despite thinking we were OA, we were actually OP and he got a little stuck trying to come round the bend. Had an episiotomy and ventouse that helped him around the corner and I did the last 2 ‘pushes’ myself to get him here. Thank you again for all your help. I’ve been singing your praises to anyone who will listen!” Welcome to the world Dominic!